Chamber News


5 Things Every New Business Owner Should Know About the Chamber

Joining the chamber can sometimes seem intimidating and overwhelming. Some people think it requires a special invitation like a country club. If your new business owner does not know much about what the chamber does, they may hold off on approaching the Chamber.

  1. The Clermont Chamber offers relationship building opportunities. New business owners might also be new to the community. Joining the chamber is a great way to get to know other people who have similar interests.
  2. The Clermont Chamber of Commerce can help with a location. For businesses looking for a storefront, the chamber knows the community so they often know the best available locations for a business. They know about large spaces, good parking, traffic, and other important factors in making a decision on what will help a new business.
  3. The Clermont Chamber is a great resource for information. New business owners should be encouraged to read the chamber’s website, subscribe to their blog or newsletter, and follow their social media channels. These resources are full of useful information, upcoming events, and insights into local business.
  4. The chamber can help new business owners make specific, desired connections.For instance, a business owner may need to partner with someone in promotional marketing to make branded t-shirts for a company event. Or perhaps they need catering a CPA who can handle a very specific business need.  The chamber can help put you in contact with people who can help meet these needs. Plus, as a chamber member, there might be discounts available to you.
  5. Joining the chamber is a good marketing tool for new business.There are ample opportunities for new businesses to get their name out in front of other chamber members and the larger community. New businesses are added in the chamber directory and have the ability to offer coupons to acquire customers. There are also email blasts and social media opportunities. These can place them in front of a larger audience than they have access to at the start of their business.  The Chamber can help conduct at Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening ceremony attracting local officials, media and other area businesses.

New business owners have a lot on their plate. Joining the Chamber of Commerce can make the transition from newbie to the established business owner a little easier. Effective marketing for new business owners should be slightly different than what you use for established ones. It’s all about making a name for the business at very little cost or time investment. New business owners have fewer resources and need to make sure every expense brings in a tight return on investment.


(Information adapted from Frank J Kenny)




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