Chamber Event Sponsorship and Advertising

Please note that the following paid advertising opportunities are only available to Clermont Chamber members in good standing. For more information on advertising with the Chamber, email Allison or call (513) 576-5013.

Online Advertising

Website Banner

Advertise online with a banner on the chamber website. Limit one per page. First-come, first-served. Art provided by purchaser.

Email Marketing

E-Newsletter ads

Distributed to a list of over 11,000 email subscribers, including Chamber members, public officials and Chamber affiliates, the Chamber’s weekly e-newsletter has been rated by members as one of the communication vehicles upon which members relied. 

There is limited ad space available in the e-newsletter. No more than two ads (only 1 per industry) per e-newsletter will be available. First-come, first-served. Art provided by purchaser.

  • One week: $50 (300 x 300 pixels or 600 x 80 pixels)
  • Month: $150 – 4th week is free! (300 x 300 pixels or 600 x 80 pixels). Flexible advertising schedule based on customer needs.
  • Annual: $2,500. Limited to one spot. Includes company logo at the top and 600 x 80 pixels ad (art can be updated as needed).


Chamber members may send a solicitation e-blast via the Chamber for $500. Limit 1 per member per calendar year.  E-blast campaign will be customized by supplied art from purchaser.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Clermont Chamber of Commerce offers many unique sponsorship opportunities. Become a sponsor and reach some of Clermont County’s most influential corporate leaders, mid-level managers, small business owners, entrepreneurs, young professionals, educators, elected officials, and more.

Sponsorships broaden your competitive edge by elevating your company’s image, prestige, and credibility! Research shows that customers are 63% more likely to do business with companies who are active in their local chamber. Why?… because good business practices, are reputable, care about their customers and are involved in the community.*
*Study conducted by The Schapiro Group 2012

Reserve your sponsorship today! Contact the Clermont Chamber Director of Development, Austin Heller: email or call (513) 576-5015.

View current list of events and programs

Complimentary Enhanced Website Listing

Your membership includes a standard directory listing on the Clermont Chamber online member directory with your company name, mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail link, website link, and map link.

Upgrade options are now available for you to enhance and expand your listing on the Clermont Chamber online member directory. The Chamber offers an enhanced listing that adds your company’s logo and up to a 50 word description of your company. This enhanced listing is not for purchase, but is our thank you to you for referring a business who becomes a new Chamber member.

For information on any of these opportunities, contact the Clermont Chamber or call 576-5000.

Why Become a Member?

The Clermont Chamber of Commerce sees its mission as the advancement of the community's overall quality of life.

Event Calendar

The Clermont Chamber of Commerce hosts a number of events and seminars each year, whether you are just starting your business or experienced. There are topics for you!

Registration now open for Women's Day: SPARK!

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