Candidate Questionnaire – Samantha Meadows

Candidate Questionnaire

United States House of Representatives – 2nd District

samantha meadows

Samantha Meadows

Address: 80 N High Street, Chillicothe OH 45601
Phone: 740-804-4636
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Why are you seeking this office?  
I am seeking this office because I want the voices of OH2 to be heard in Washington, DC. We have a district now that expands across all of Southern Ohio, 15 counties. The diversity of our district calls for a Representative who is willing to get to know the citizens of his/her district. I am a lifelong Southern Ohioan. I know the unique strengths and struggles in our communities. I can take that knowledge and experience with me in Congress to vote on policies that reflect the will of the people. I care and I want to help. We deserve to have a thriving economy in all counties. We need jobs brought back to the district. We simply need to have our needs met. I will work to make that happen. The policies that I support will be directly reflective of the people of our district. I will make sure that that happens by coming back to the district to have town halls in every county several times per year. I will listen to the people, not talk at them. I am seeking this office to fairly represent the people of OH2.

What in your background or experiences qualifies you to understand the unique needs facing small businesses? 
My family owned an antiques shop in Southern Ohio. I know the difficulty of trying to keep the doors open. But I also know the resourcefulness and marketing strategies that others like us employed in order to draw people into the historic district. Revitalization programs and Main Street programs helped keep that community afloat. I think it is important to fund those types of programs in order to keep small businesses competitive.

What are your three most important policy priorities? What do you hope will be the impact of implementing these policies?
Economy, Healthcare Costs, Medicare& Social Security. The passing of the Infrastructure Bill has laid the groundwork for modestly improving our economy. Shovels are beginning to hit the dirt, which means we have an increase in job opportunities. Good paying union jobs will pump more money into local economies. The impact will be continuing economic growth for decades. Healthcare costs are incredibly daunting for American families. Implementing policies that lower costs and expand coverage to more families is a win across the board. Families will have more money in their pockets. Better coverage will increase visits to the doctor, which can improve overall health. Protecting Medicare & Social Security will ensure stability for the most vulnerable in our communities.

In your opinion, what are the two most important challenges facing Clermont County and how do you propose to address them?
The 2nd Congressional District now encompasses 15 counties in Southern Ohio. It is geographically and demographically diverse. Each county has unique needs, strengths, and challenges. As a candidate, I have been tasked with learning as much about each county as possible in a very small window of time. I am open and available to speak with anyone, anytime to share with me the challenges of the community. I am always willing to listen. Feel free to contact me at and I will make arrangements to speak with you personally or as a group.

The business community in Clermont County is critical to our community’s long-term viability. How would you propose that you, as an elected official, work with the business community to ensure that fees, taxes, regulatory structures, tax incentives and service philosophy allow businesses to be successful?
As a member of Congress, I would have regular townhall meetings to discuss the needs of the business community. Listening to business owners is the first step in understanding their needs and creating policies that support them.

As a member of an elected body, how would you work with your colleagues to build relationships and build consensus for your ideas?
I believe that members of Congress have a responsibility to work for the American people. For me, that means reaching across the aisle to work together. We have a two-party system that only functions correctly when both parties come to the table willing to compromise. I am committed to treating other members respectfully, regardless of party, and welcoming participation in the legislative process. In this moment in history, we are seeing deep polarization and tribalism that is detrimental to policymaking. We have to be willing to find common ground to work for the good people of this country. I am committed to making that happen.

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