Candidate Questionnaire – Brad Wenstrup

Candidate Questionnaire

United States House of Representatives – 2nd District

brad wenstrup

Brad Wenstrup, DPM

Address: P.O. Box 9551 Cincinnati, OH 45209
Phone: 513-279-2723
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Why are you seeking this office?  
I am seeking re-election to this office to continue representing the people of Southern Ohio to fight for limited government, responsible spending and regulations, to help improve the daily lives of all Americans and to fight for Truth, Justice and the American Way.

What in your background or experiences qualifies you to understand the unique needs facing small businesses? 
As a small business owner of 26 years and having started a private medical practice I know what obstacles small business face every day.  As a physician I understand the health care crisis in our country and the cost and burden it places on many businesses. Finally, I have experienced first-hand the burdensome regulations Washington often implements and have worked to hold our federal agencies accountable to the public while also fostering an environment for them to be parental not punitive in their duties. 

What are your three most important policy priorities? What do you hope will be the impact of implementing these policies?
1. Restoring choice and competition in health care: Americans and their personal doctors need to be in control of their health care decisions, not Washington. I’m working to restore the doctor patient relationship, create competition in the private health care space, reduce health care costs, increase price transparency and ensure that America is the number one medical innovator in the world.

2. Restore manufacturing and energy independence: For far too long America has strayed course and become hyper dependent on foreign nations for critical needs.  We must restore domestic supply chains and encourage new manufacturing to be birthed in America.  We also have an opportunity to be a global energy producer and exporter, we must embrace our God-given natural resources and compete on a global stage.  A strong American economy is a great deterrent to our adversaries, and will help provide safety, stability and security for all.

3. Restore congressional authority.  Over time Congress’s authority has been eroded and ceded largely to executive agencies that are unelected.  Now, Congress spends much of its time unwinding rules that are made by bureaucratic agencies.  I am committed to reclaiming congressional authority as our founders intended.  By doing so decisions made by Congress will be more accountable to the people we represent and whom elect us.    

In your opinion, what are the two most important challenges facing Clermont County and how do you propose to address them?
1. Inflation and the economy – this is the biggest issue on most people’s minds.  We need policies that promote growth, lower taxes, reduce regulatory burdens and spend taxpayer dollars responsibly.  Our out of control spending has been a force multiplier in the inflation we have seen recently, we must temper our spending.

2. Infrastructure – Clermont County is poised for tremendous growth and economic opportunity.  We all know that the underpinning for success is reliable and modern infrastructure.  I will continue to support the county and region’s efforts to maintain and grow highways, intermodal opportunities and provide reliable water, sewer, and electricity.  I am proud of our efforts to grow the 32 corridor and believe this is just the beginning of great things to come for the county

The business community in Clermont County is critical to our community’s long-term viability. How would you propose that you, as an elected official, work with the business community to ensure that fees, taxes, regulatory structures, tax incentives and service philosophy allow businesses to be successful?
As stated above we need a federal government that is parental not punitive. The federal government should be a partner and facilitator in projects that cannot be achieved solely at the local and/or state levels. We must deliver policies in Washington the foster businesses growth and allow them to proser, hire and give back to their communities.  Federal tax credits are just one tool we have at the federal level that have proven successful for creating long term viability for businesses and communities.

As a member of an elected body, how would you work with your colleagues to build relationships and build consensus for your ideas?
As an established Member of Congress I have many relationships in a bipartisan fashion that allow me to advance Ohio’s priorities.  These established relationships have flourished with my work in maintaining our armed forces, caring for our veterans, advancing our national security and working to improve health care. Through leading on these imperative issues my colleagues know they have a trusted partner to get the job done.

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