2024 Candidate Questionnaire – Jean Schmidt

Candidate Questionnaire – Rep. Jean Schmidt

Ohio House of Representatives – 62nd District

Jean Schmidt

Rep. Jean Schmidt

Republican (incumbent)
Email: jean.h.schmidt@gmail.com
Campaign Website
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I am a lifelong resident of Clermont County with extensive government experience, serving as a township trustee, state representative, member of congress and currently serving as a state representative.  Throughout my career I have supported the interests of the business community.  I continue to work with our chamber to make Clermont County a great place to live, work and raise a family.

What are your three most important policy priorities? What do you hope will be the impact of implementing these policies?

1.  Property Taxes:  Property values are artificially high due to a stressed housing market, with low inventory and high interest rates.  I am introducing HB 402 that will temporarily push back property values to 2022 levels until a permanent solution is found. 2. Capital Budget:  As part of the Finance Committee, I am committed to address the needs of the communities in our county.  Most recently I voted in favor of HB 2. Personal Income Taxes:  Completely eliminating the personal income tax to make Ohio a desirable place to attract and retain business.

If elected, what will be your approach to engage with constituents and businesses to gather input on legislative/policy decisions?

Electronic newsletters, personal meetings with business owners and constituents, round table discussions with the business community.  in addition to addressing the emails we receive in our office. 

In your opinion, what are the two most important challenges facing our county and how do you propose to address them?  

Currently the property tax increase is a concern to our constituents and must be addressed quickly. I am addressing this by introducing HB 402.  Infrastructure is another issue.  I look forward to the next Transportation Budget Bill to address our needs.

How do you plan to address regulatory challenges that local businesses face? Are there specific regulations or policies you would advocate in order to streamline business operations?

Ohio continues to address the regulatory challenges business face.  HB 238, the Occupational Licensing Bill, just passed the House and  is the most recent example of our legislature’s e commitment to make Ohio business friendly.  HB 301,is another bill that is awaiting passage. I have fought overreaching regulations of the Department of Commerce through the JACAR Board.

How do you plan to address infrastructure needs in our region, such as transportation, broadband, and utilities, to support business growth?

I will continue to work to ensure that Clermont County has the funding necessary to complete critical infrastructure projects in the next budget.  I will also work with local stakeholders and ODOT in determining priority projects.  A recent example is the traffic light at the Milford High School campus.  ODOT initially refused the second light but after working with ODOT I am proud to announce they have been given the authority for the light.

What strategies do you propose to enhance workforce development and address any skills gaps in our community?

Career and technical training is very important for work force development.  In two consecutive Operating Budgets we have increased funding for career and trades training.  I will continue to work with our career and technical schools, job creation centers and the Administration to ensure that we are making wise investments in these programs.

What measures do you propose to attract new businesses and encourage entrepreneurship locally?

First, I will continue to be a strong partner.  A strong partnership between local government, the state and the business community are incredibly important.  As state representative I will continue to be accessible and ready to assist.

As a member of an elected body, how would you work with your colleagues to build relationships and build consensus for your ideas?

As an elected official I am constantly reaching out to colleges, and stakeholders to advance policy and legislation.  I will continue to work with others to make a difference for our community.

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