2024 Candidate Questionnaire – David Taylor

Candidate Questionnaire – David Taylor

United States House of Representatives – 2nd District

david taylor

David J. Taylor

Email: dave@davetaylorforcongress.com
Campaign Website
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Campaign X (Formerly Twitter)


David Taylor is a rock-ribbed conservative and family man who has been married to his wife, Charity, for 27 years and has raised three daughters in Clermont County, Ohio. A businessman, David employs two dozen hardworking people in our community and runs Sardinia Ready Mix, Inc.

Hard work was instilled in David from a young age. He took inspiration from his grandfather, Jim Sauls, who moved from the coal mines of Logan, WV to Ohio in search of a better life. Over the summers while he was in school, he worked for his father and grandfather in the family business. David is a proud graduate of Amelia High School, Miami University (Ohio), and the University of Dayton School of Law.

After law school, David returned home and began working for the local prosecutor’s office, where he successfully tried cases related to drugs and violence in our community, putting criminals behind bars. In Congress, David will ensure law enforcement have the resources they need to crack down on fentanyl, violent crimes, and corruption. As a prosecutor, he knows how to ensure that prosecutors and district attorneys do the job they were elected to do.

After several years prosecuting criminals, David returned to work in and ultimately take over the family business which he runs to this day. As a small business owner, David has seen firsthand how the Biden economy has failed working Americans and driven up costs on everything. In Congress, he will stop Joe Biden’s disastrous inflation-fueling agenda and work to cut taxes for Ohio families.

What are your three most important policy priorities? What do you hope will be the impact of implementing these policies?

1.      Secure the Border. Thanks to Joe Biden and his reckless open-border policies, the southern border has devolved into a war zone. Criminals and cartels operate freely on both sides of the border, making our citizens unsafe. In Washington, I will secure the border by finishing President Trump’s wall, increasing funding and resources for Border Patrol officers, and deploying military personnel when necessary.

2.      Balance the Budget. Bidenomics is crushing hardworking Ohio families. Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend agenda is causing even more inflation, skyrocketing costs, and our national debt to spiral out of control. As your Representative, I will author legislation that requires Congress to balance the budget. Part of restoring our economy is easing the burden of inflation on working families by cutting their tax burden and bringing American jobs back to America. Unshackling America’s energy sector will go a long way toward accomplishing both.

3.      Save Women’s Sports and End the Woke Indoctrination of our Kids. Title IX is under attack by Joe Biden and the radical left. In Congress, one of the first pieces of legislation that I will introduce will focus on protecting Title IX and saving women’s sports. It is time that we take a stand against Joe Biden and the radical left to ensure that only biological women can participate in women’s sports. In Congress, I’ll also end the madness in our schools by defunding and dismantling the failed experiment called the Department of Education, restoring parental rights, and expanding school choice. It’s time we put parents first instead of the intentionally destructive agenda being pushed by radical liberal D.C. bureaucrats and teachers’ unions.

If elected, what will be your approach to engage with constituents and businesses to gather input on legislative/policy decisions?

In Congress, I will have an open-door policy for all of my constituents, business leaders, and community stakeholders. It will also be a priority for me and my office to host multiple town halls in the district every year to hear directly from the community. As a member of Congress, my job is to be a Representative for the people, and that is exactly what I will do.

In your opinion, what are the two most important challenges facing our county and how do you propose to address them?  

One of the biggest barriers for businesses across Southern Ohio is finding a qualified workforce. It is imperative that we provide career pathways for our children that match the job opportunities in the region. In Congress, I will work to increase workforce development opportunities across the 2nd district. The second thing that must be addressed is the drug, human, and labor trafficking that is a result of Joe Biden’s failed open border policies. With the southern border wide open, our communities are affected every day. Drugs are flowing freely into our state and undocumented, illegal workers are being brought in to steal jobs from hardworking Ohio families. In Congress, I will secure the border by finishing President Trump’s wall and deploying military resources to the border if necessary to keep our communities safe.

How do you plan to address regulatory challenges that local businesses face? Are there specific regulations or policies you would advocate in order to streamline business operations?

It is important that we reduce regulations placed on small businesses by the federal government so that our businesses here locally can thrive. One of the first things that need to be done to reduce regulations is to create a process to eliminate outdated and burdensome regulations. The Unnecessary Agency Regulations Reduction Act provides a good path forward to solving this issue.

How do you plan to address infrastructure needs in our region, such as transportation, broadband, and utilities, to support business growth?

There are numerous grants from both the federal and state levels that can be leveraged to support infrastructure projects across the 2nd District. In Congress, I will work with each locality to ensure that our office provides the needed support to maximize the dollars allocated to our area. I will also search out other avenues for funding so that counties across the 2nd district have the needed resources for projects and upgraded infrastructure.

What strategies do you propose to enhance workforce development and address any skills gaps in our community?

One of the first things that we must do to enhance workforce development is ensure that each area in the 2nd District has access to broadband and reliable internet. Following that, it is important that we incentivize high school students to enter career pathways that don’t necessarily require a 4-year college degree. Years ago, in addition to our college scholarship, my business started a scholarship for 2-year degree programs at local community colleges to help those who might not be looking to follow in the traditional college pathways. It is important that we provide our children with as many opportunities as possible so that they can be successful in their future and support our local economy.

What measures do you propose to attract new businesses and encourage entrepreneurship locally?

Creating a business-friendly regulatory structure is so important to attracting more businesses to our area. Ohio has done a good job of this under Lt. Governor Husted, but the federal government needs to step up and get rid of useless and redundant regulations that are placed on businesses across America. In Congress, I will work to remove those unnecessary regulations and red tape to make it easier for Ohioans to start, own, and operate their businesses. Another factor for encouraging businesses to locate their operations in the 2nd district is having sites ready and available for use. I will fight to bring more dollars back to the 2nd district to upgrade our existing or create new sites for businesses to locate here.

As a member of an elected body, how would you work with your colleagues to build relationships and build consensus for your ideas?

Just like I do in business, I will work together with my colleagues to ensure that the needs of America and the 2nd district are put first. In Congress, I will foster relationships with my colleagues and work with them to ensure that Southern Ohio is getting the attention and resources that we deserve.

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