2024 Candidate Questionnaire – Bonnie Batchler

Candidate Questionnaire – Bonnie Batchler

Clermont County Board of Commissioners

Commissioner Bonnie Batchler

Email: bonniebatchler@yahoo.com
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Bonnie Batchler was elected a member of the Board of County Commissioners in January 2021. She had served as a Pierce Township trustee starting in 2000. She currently serves on the OKI Regional Council of Governments Executive Committee – Alternate, CCAO Official Voting Representative – Alternate, 911 Review Committee, Local Emergency Planning Committee, County Investment Advisory Committee, Clermont County Land Reutilization Corporation and Clermont County Records Commission. She was elected President of the Board of Commissioners for the years 2022 and 2023.

Batchler is a long-term resident of Clermont County, including nearly four decades as a resident of Pierce Township. In 1981, she embarked on a 14-year stint as the EMS Chief of the Pierce Township Volunteer Fire Department. In between terms as a trustee, she also served on the Pierce Township Board of Zoning Appeals.

Batchler served as President of the Clermont County Township Association for several years. In the past she also served on the Board of Directors for Clermont County Community Services and the Senior Service Housing Board. She is a current member of the Clermont County Law Enforcement Appreciation Selection Committee and a member of the Ohio Public Works Commission grant committee.

Batchler retired as a Senior Credit Analyst from Senco Products after working there for 37 years. In 2009 she graduated from the Clermont 20/20 Leadership Program.

What are your three most important policy priorities? What do you hope will be the impact of implementing these policies?

1) Ensuring that we have safe neighborhoods across Clermont County

2) Maintain fiscal responsibility and easing of the tax burden for residents

3) Engaging in smart economic development that allows our county to grow

Clermont County, in my opinion, the best place in Ohio to live, raise a family, and work.

As Commissioner, I fight every day to ensure that we maintain that level of excellence, while always keeping an eye toward the future. If we have safe neighborhoods, are fiscally responsible, and grow strategically, our county will continue to get stronger.

If elected, what will be your approach to engage with constituents and businesses to gather input on legislative/policy decisions?

I think it is critical to maintain an open line of communication with all the key stakeholders across the county. As a former Township Trustee, I understand the importance of our local communities and the value of leaders from across the county working in tandem to find solutions. As Commissioner, I have made it a priority to build those strong relationships with key local elected leaders, business leaders, and important community leaders. I will continue to build these relationships – their knowledge and input provides the commissioners with the tools necessary to make the right decisions.

In your opinion, what are the two most important challenges facing our county and how do you propose to address them?  

Clermont County is not immune to the challenges of available and affordable housing as well as the current shortage of trained workers being experienced throughout the U.S. Currently Clermont County has over 100 positions that have gone unfilled. In order to help with the housing challenges, new partnerships need to be formed to allow government and private business to work together on new strategies that reduce the times for planning submittals, permitting, inspection and turnaround times for housing projects. To attract new workers, educational institutions need to provide additional exposure to jobs during the high school and trade school durations. This will allow the next generation of potential workers to select the field they find most interesting while becoming familiar with their chosen career. The BCC supports these efforts through the Clermont Chamber of Commerce, Grant Career Center, Live Oaks Career Center, Southern Ohio Community College, the Clermont County Port Authority, and available work force training grants.

How do you plan to address regulatory challenges that local businesses face? Are there specific regulations or policies you would advocate in order to streamline business operations?

I want Clermont County to be a place where businesses can thrive, and where new businesses and entrepreneurs look to put down roots. I am committed to one, working closely with our business community to better understand the challenges they face. And two, doing everything in my power as Commissioner to minimize the regulatory burdens businesses face.

How do you plan to address infrastructure needs in our region, such as transportation, broadband, and utilities, to support business growth?

Infrastructure, transportation, broadband and utilities are essential to enhancing the health of businesses in Clermont County as well as providing opportunities for new and continued business growth. If you look around, business growth is everywhere in Clermont County, but this growth didn’t happen by chance. The Clermont County Board of Commissioners (BCC) have been engaged in long range planning before U.C. Clermont and Clermont County Hospital became a reality in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The BCC understands that change will happen and therefore needs to engage in long range planning to ensure that Clermont County remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family. To support business growth, the BCC is implementing plans for the (56), (10), and (8) planning approach. The current five (5) year look ahead includes $56M for water capital improvements, $10M for internet investment, and $8M for road resurfacing and improvements. Investments like these will ensure that businesses have the infrastructure they need to result in a vibrant future for years to come.

What strategies do you propose to enhance workforce development and address any skills gaps in our community?

The county has relationships with school districts and career centers to promote workforce development. We like to advocate for students along with their instructors to encourage job ready careers – right out of high school.

What measures do you propose to attract new businesses and encourage entrepreneurship locally?

We need to minimize regulation to make Clermont County as business friendly as possible. We also need to engage in smart, targeted development of our county to provide the resources and and incentive to make Clermont County a home to businesses.

As a member of an elected body, how would you work with your colleagues to build relationships and build consensus for your ideas?

Listening is key. It is impossible to find real, workable solutions without listening to the people they impact. As Commissioner, I will continue to build relationships and listen to the key stakeholders around the county.

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