Candidate Questionnaire – Adam Bird

Candidate Questionnaire

Ohio House of Representatives – 63rd District

adam bird

Adam Bird


Address: 3562 Behymer Rd Cincinnati, Ohio 45245
Phone: 513-405-0209
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Why are you seeking this office?  
I am seeking re-election because I want to continue the fight for freedom, limited government, opportunity for all, quality education, and strong families.

What in your background or experiences qualifies you to understand the unique needs facing small businesses? 
First, I have 33 years in education in Clermont and Brown Counties.  I understand the important role that schools play in developing a workforce that businesses in the community need.  Cooperation between schools and business has never been greater. 

Second, I have been a member of the Business First Caucus in Columbus for the entirety of my first term in Columbus.   This experience has been very enlightening for me to hear in first person from business owners from all over Ohio regarding the ways that state government can get out of the way of business. Third, I am a constant attender of Ohio Chamber of Commerce events in Columbus. I rarely, if ever miss.  It is important for legislators to interact with and listen to business leaders regarding the challenges they face.

What are your three most important policy priorities? What do you hope will be the impact of implementing these policies?
First, election integrity must be insured.   It is the number one issue that I hear from constituents. Second, quality education that is family friendly and produces graduates that are ready to be productive in society. Third, income tax for Ohioans must continue to be reduced.

In your opinion, what are the two most important challenges facing Clermont County and how do you propose to address them?
Infrastructure development must be a priority.  Roads, bridges, and airport expansion are critical as Clermont County continues to be a location for young families looking for a great opportunity. This should be balanced with protection of our unique agriculture and farm heritage.   Coordination between federal, state, and local elected leaders can make that happen and I am in the middle of that structure and have worked on developing great relations with both ends of that spectrum.

The business community in Clermont County is critical to our community’s long-term viability. How would you propose that you, as an elected official, work with the business community to ensure that fees, taxes, regulatory structures, tax incentives and service philosophy allow businesses to be successful?
I have worked hard to develop good relations with the Clermont County Chamber, Brown County Chamber, Ohio Chamber, and the National Federation of Independent Businesses.  These entities feel very open to communicating with me whenever they want to share concerns.

As a member of an elected body, how would you work with your colleagues to build relationships and build consensus for your ideas?
I prefer face to face communication, but I can call any of my Republican colleagues in the House whenever necessary. I have spoken to almost every Democrat as well.   I have a good relationship with the members of the Ohio Senate, including the Senate President and our own state senator Terry Johnson. I also speak to members of the Governor DeWine’s staff and with Lt Gov Husted regularly. I have already built these relationships but that is an effort that never stops.

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